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SAT: 720 math
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Information on Burlington County Community College

I'm considering taking some courses at Burlington County Community College before transferring to a 4-year college. Has anyone here studied there? What are your experiences with their faculty, course quality, and transferring credits?

3 months ago

It's admirable that you're thinking strategically about your educational path. I can offer some insights based on the experiences shared by many students who have followed similar paths.

Most community colleges, including Burlington, usually have passionate faculty members who are very dedicated to their students' success. You will find most of them very welcoming and always ready to help you during office hours or via email whenever you need some assistance. Small class sizes are a great advantage at community colleges, which can allow for more personal interaction and attention from professors.

As for course quality, it often varies depending on the subject and professor, much like at any college. Of course, the classes might not be as rigorous as those at a 4-year college, but they can provide a solid foundation of knowledge for when you do transfer. It's suggested to check out resources like RateMyProfessors to get a better idea of what to expect from individual instructors.

When it comes to transferring credits, this entirely depends on the 4-year college you're transferring to. Generally, core classes in subjects like English, math, and science often transfer without issue. However, it's always a good idea to reach out to the 4-year college's admissions or registrar office to inquire about their policies on accepting credits from community colleges. In many cases, community colleges have articulation agreements with local state universities, which can simplify the credit transfer process.

Lastly, it's also important for you to consider financial aid and support services available at the college. Many community colleges offer significant aid, and have a host of support services (like tutoring centers, career advising) to help you succeed.

While personal experiences can be very helpful, remember each person's experience is unique and might differ from yours. It's always a good idea to do your own research or even consider visiting the campus, if possible, to get a feel for what it could be like for you.

3 months ago

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