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Choosing Business Colleges in Massachusetts

I'm a high school junior looking to major in Business and I'm currently searching for colleges in Massachusetts. Could I get some recommendations on good colleges for business studies in the state and what I should consider while making my choice?

3 months ago

Absolutely, Massachusetts has many reputable institutions known for their excellent Business programs.

To start with, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has the Sloan School of Management, which is recognized for its rigorous curriculum and focus on innovation.

Harvard University, although in a different state, is right next to Boston and is known for its prestigious Business School. However, do keep in mind that their undergraduate concentration is in Economics, but they have secondary fields in Business and related disciplines.

Boston University's Questrom School of Business is another strong choice, offering a comprehensive business education with a global perspective.

Bentley University, located in Waltham, is known for business, particularly accounting and finance.

Babson College in Wellesley is worldwide reputed for entrepreneurship and offers a Bachelor of Science in Business.

In selecting the right college, consider factors such as the specific area of business you're interested in (like finance, management, international business, entrepreneurship, etc), the size and location of the school, availability of internships or co-op programs, alumni network, and opportunities for study abroad or exchange programs. Consult their business curriculum to ensure it matches your career goals.

Apart from academics, also consider the college's overall fit - campus culture, extracurricular activities, student support services etc. Remember, the "best" college is the one that fits you the most, not the one that tops the rank lists.

Lastly, pay a visit to the schools you are considering, if possible, to get a real feel for the campus and atmosphere. Always explore and ask questions to figure out where you would fit best.

3 months ago

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