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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on UC Merced?

Hey peeps, I've been considering UC Merced. Trying to gather some genuine opinions—what are your thoughts on the academics, campus life, and overall vibe? Is it a good place to learn and grow?

3 months ago

As an initial point, it's important to remember that people's experiences can vary greatly, so take each opinion with a grain of salt and focus on what aligns with your personal interests and goals.

Academically, UC Merced is continually making strides. Being the newest addition to the UC system, it's been progressively improving its education standards and research opportunities. The school also has a solid focus on STEM, with emphasis on environmental research in relation to its location in the heartland of the Central Valley. Some students really appreciate the class sizes, as they're typically smaller with a student to faculty ratio of 15:1 allowing for more individualized attention.

Campus life at UC Merced is said to be quite engaging and community-oriented. It's a smaller university with about 9,000 undergraduates, which means you may have a higher likelihood of familiarizing yourself with many of your peers. There's a variety of student organizations, and the university conducts regular events to promote campus engagement and a sense of community. It's true that the surrounding town of Merced might not offer the same amenities as some bigger California cities, but there is a sort of peaceful charm to it.

Regarding the overall vibe, it's said to be welcoming and inclusive. Given its size, many describe it as having a close-knit community feel. It's diverse with students from different backgrounds, which can create a vibrant and inclusive environment.

In the end, UC Merced, like any other school, offers unique opportunities and experiences. It would potentially be a great place to learn and grow, especially if you're seeking a tight-knit community, smaller class sizes, and a growing focus on research in your undergraduate years. But again, your personal interests and career goals should be the determining factors in considering whether UC Merced is the right fit for you.

3 months ago

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