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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Experiences at Colleges in Murray, KY?

I've been looking at a few colleges in Murray, Kentucky but it's kind of hard to get a feel for what it's like there. Does anyone here have any experiences or know someone who does? Would appreciate any help!

3 months ago

Murray, Kentucky, is home to Murray State University, a reputable public institution known for its dedication to students' success. It has a small-town feel with a pretty active campus life. The college community in Murray generally seems to be quite connected and close-knit, which can make for a friendly and comfortable educational environment. Many say the faculty pay individual attention to students due to small class sizes, which can improve your learning experience by making faculty more approachable for queries, discussions, and help.

There are quite a few activities on campus throughout the year which help foster a dynamic social environment. Murray State Racers' sports events are a major draw, for example, promoting school spirit and camaraderie among students. Additionally, given the school's small-town environment, the surrounding community often supports these events, creating a great town-gown relationship.

The city itself is relatively small with a slow pace of life, which can be a pro if you prefer a quieter, more laid-back college town that still offers necessary amenities. There are a few local spots students usually hang out at and annual community events that can be quite fun to participate in.

Remember that each student's experiences can significantly vary based on their unique circumstances, preferences, and involvements. Reaching out to Murray State's admissions office to connect with current students could offer a more personalized view of what your experience might be like. For instance, you could ask about student life, academics, specific clubs, or organizations you're interested in, and many other aspects of college life at Murray. This could provide more insights to align with your individual interests and needs.

3 months ago

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