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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which colleges in Pennsylvania are worth applying to?

Born and raised in PA, so naturally, I'm considering colleges here. But the list is kinda long and I want to narrow down my options. Could anyone give me some insights? Maybe share your experiences if you're studying there? Thanks!

3 months ago

Pennsylvania certainly has a rich assortment of esteemed colleges and universities! Here are some you might want to consider:

1. University of Pennsylvania: Known as an Ivy League university, UPenn has a great reputation for its business, nursing, and medical programs. It has a diverse community and an urban setting that might be appealing if you're looking for a city life.

2. Carnegie Mellon University: CMU is highly esteemed for its programs in the arts, engineering, computer science, business, and cognitive science. It is renowned for its innovation and interdisciplinary approach to education.

3. Bucknell University: As a liberal arts institution, Bucknell offers a vast array of majors and a strong focus on undergraduate education. It's particularly known for its engineering program.

4. Lehigh University: Known for its strong engineering and business programs, Lehigh has a collaborative environment and a robust Greek life.

5. Swarthmore College: As a member of the Tri-College Consortium, Swarthmore offers students a platform to take courses at different colleges and explore a wide variety of topics. It's recognized for its commitment to undergraduate education.

6. Haverford College: This institution is part of the Tri-College Consortium as well and the Quaker Consortium. It's known for its Honor Code and dedication to intellectual rigor.

Just remember that it's not about the rankings or prestige, but rather the fit for you personally in terms of academics, social environment, location, etc. Research these and other schools to find the ones that appeal to your goals, values, and aspirations.

3 months ago

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