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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does anyone have information on colleges in Sanford, Florida?

Hi, junior here. I'm beginning to look at colleges and Florida seems like a desirable place, specifically Sanford. If anyone has any info on the colleges there, like campus environment or academic programs, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

3 months ago

Sanford, Florida, is home to Seminole State College of Florida, which is a public state college. It's known for providing a small, intimate campus atmosphere with small class sizes. Based on my understanding, the professors here are usually very approachable and invested in their students' academic success.

In terms of academic programs, Seminole State College offers a wide range, including but not limited to Business Administration, Information Systems Technology, and Nursing. So, whether you're interested in the sciences or humanities, you'll likely find a program that fits your interests. Besides, Seminole State College also has extensive vocational programs and training in areas like automotive technology and construction.

Another institution to consider is the Florida Technical College Sanford campus. This is more specialized and career-focused, offering programs in fields like Beauty & Cosmetology, Business, Healthcare, and Information Technology. Again these programs are more vocational in nature and are designed more for students who want career-focused training instead of a traditional college experience.

For universities, the nearest would be the University of Central Florida in Orlando which isn't too far from Sanford. It's a larger public university with a broad range of programs, from Engineering and Computer Sciences to Performing Arts and Social Sciences. If you're looking for the traditional four-year college experience, this could be a good choice.

Remember to do some thorough research on these institutions and consider visiting them if possible - tours and open houses might help you get a better feel for each campus environment and the academic atmosphere.

3 months ago

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