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SAT: 720 math
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Looking for colleges in South Dakota - Any recommendations?

Hey all, I'm a Junior from SD trying to stay in-state for college. Anyone have any suggestions for reputable colleges in South Dakota that I should consider? All advice is welcome. Thanks!

3 months ago

Certainly! South Dakota has several reputable colleges worth considering based on your interests and intended area of study.

1. University of South Dakota (USD): Located in Vermillion, USD offers a broad range of majors and is known particularly for its programs in Business, Health Sciences including a well-regarded Medical School, and Education. It also provides a traditional college atmosphere with on-campus housing and various extracurricular activities.

2. South Dakota State University (SDSU): SDSU, located in Brookings, is the state's largest university and is recognized for its programs in Nursing, Agriculture and Biological Sciences as well as Engineering. They have a thriving athletics program as well, which could be a nice perk if you're a sports fan.

3. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology: If your interest lies in STEM, this Rapid City university is highly respected for majors like Engineering, and Computer and Information Sciences. The school’s focus on applied sciences means more chances for research and hands-on experience.

4. Dakota State University (DSU): Located in Madison, DSU stands out for its strong programs in Computer Science, Cyber Operations, and Information Systems. DSU is a great option if you're tech-savvy and interested in a career in cybersecurity or computer technology.

It might be useful for you to visit these campuses if you haven't yet, to get a feel for each school and see if it meets your preferences in size, facilities, and campus culture. Also, remember to check each school's admissions requirements to ascertain that your high school grades and any test scores align well with their expectations. This can give you a sense of your chances of admission. Good luck!

3 months ago

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