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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are my options for colleges in the Twin Cities?

Hey guys! I'm looking at colleges in Minnesota, specifically in the Twin Cities area. I would love some recommendations from those in the know. Any insights on academics, social life, etc. would be great!

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help with that! The Twin Cities area refers to Minneapolis and Saint Paul, and there are several colleges and universities to choose from. Here's a brief rundown:

1. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities: This is the largest and most well-known in the area, offering a wide variety of majors. It has strong programs in areas like engineering, business, and health sciences. As a large public university, it has a very active social scene with hundreds of clubs, as well as Big Ten sports.

2. Macalester College: This is a small liberal arts college in St. Paul known for its international focus, including a well-regarded international studies program. The environment here is more intimate, with a strong emphasis on academic pursuits.

3. Hamline University: Another liberal arts institution in St. Paul and the oldest university in the state. They're known for their emphasis on civic responsibility and service. Their size provides a smaller, close-knit campus community vibe.

4. Augsburg University: A private, liberal arts school based in Minneapolis and affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. They're particularly strong in the areas of business, psychology, and biology.

5. St. Catherine University (St. Kate's): This is a women’s university that also offers various coed programs. St. Kate’s has a strong reputation in the health sciences

6. Concordia University, St. Paul: A small Christian liberal arts university known for its programs in education and nursing.

Each of these schools has their own strengths and personality, so the best fit for you will depend on your study interests and personal preferences. Visiting the campuses (virtually, if in-person isn't possible) can give you a feel for the atmosphere and could be helpful in your decision-making process. Sounds like you have some exciting research ahead of you!

3 months ago

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