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Barnard College in New York

Hello everyone, I've been checking out Barnard College and it seems cool. I'm into the Arts and Social Sciences, so its NYC location is super attractive. Any students or alumni have some insights to share about what life on campus is like?

3 months ago

Barnard College is regarded as an excellent institution, particularly for students interested in the Arts and Social Sciences, thanks to its close affiliation with Columbia University and its prime location in New York City.

Life on campus at Barnard is vibrant and diverse, reflecting the character of its New York City home. The campus is compact and tight-knit, fostering a sense of community amongst the students. In terms of housing, all students are guaranteed housing for all four years, and many students choose to remain on campus due to its proximity to academic buildings and amenities.

Academic rigor at Barnard is high. Professors are known for being extremely accessible and engaging, and the student to faculty ratio is quite low, which allows for small, intimate class sizes and individualized attention. With a strong focus on liberal arts, Barnard encourages students to explore a broad range of subjects while still focusing on their primary area of interest.

Beyond academics, the college has a multitude of clubs and organizations spanning a range of interests, from the performing arts to social justice causes, which means there's plenty of opportunities to get involved in campus life.

The connection with Columbia University is a great asset too, as students have access to Columbia's courses, resources, and social spaces. Still, it's worth noting that this access also means you're indirectly a part of a much larger institution and the sprawling urban campus that it offers.

Finally, being in the heart of New York City, students can explore a world of culture, internships, and job opportunities that will greatly complement their academic experience. Regardless of your specific interests in Arts and Social Sciences, the city will definitely serve as an exciting extended campus. As with any urban setting, though, that can mean more hustle and bustle, and less traditional "college green" spaces.

It's a place where you can construct an education that suits your interests and ambitions, while also being in an environment that encourages exploration and offers considerable opportunities. Of course, each student's experience can vary greatly, but I hope this gives you a better understanding of life at Barnard.

3 months ago

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