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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which is the Best College in NJ?

Hey everyone, I’m a rising Junior living in NJ and trying to figure out my college prospects. I'd prefer to stay in state. Can you guys point me towards the best colleges in New Jersey? Any insights would be much appreciated!

3 months ago

New Jersey is home to a number of excellent colleges and universities, and the best one for you will depend on your interests, career goals, and academic preferences. Here are a few notable ones:

- Princeton University: This private, Ivy League university is one of the most prestigious in the country, let alone New Jersey. Known for a small student-faculty ratio, it offers excellent programs across a broad range of disciplines with a strong emphasis on undergraduate research.

- Rutgers University: As the state's public research university, Rutgers offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate programs, with notable strength in disciplines such as business, engineering and biomedical sciences. It has multiple campuses, the main ones being in New Brunswick and Newark.

- Stevens Institute of Technology: If you have an interest in fields like Engineering, Computer Science, or Business, Stevens is a great choice, particularly known for a curriculum that combines academic study with cooperative education.

- The College of New Jersey (TCNJ): If you're looking for a smaller school, TCNJ is a public institution known for its strong programs in the liberal arts and sciences as well as its commitment to undergraduate education.

- Montclair State University: It has a wide variety of programs and is particularly known for its programs in education and the arts.

Remember, the 'best' college for you will be one that fits your individual needs and goals - academic, financial, and personal. So, while these are some of the top colleges in the state, you'll want to explore your fit with these and other schools, considering factors such as size, major offerings, location, cost, campus culture, and opportunities for internships and research.

3 months ago

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