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Music City Education

Hello everyone! I'm a music enthusiast who's considering Nashville, TN for college. Any thoughts on the colleges and universities there?

3 months ago

Nashville, often referred to as "Music City," has a number of diverse colleges and universities that could cater to your interest in music.

First among them is Vanderbilt University, a highly ranked and very competitive institution that offers strong programs across the board, including in music. Vanderbilt's Blair School of Music offers undergraduate degrees in a variety of music disciplines – performance, theory, history, and composition for example.

Belmont University is another noteworthy institution— it's well-known for its strong programs in music, particularly in the area of music business. Its Mike Curb College of Entertainment and Music Business is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) and has a good reputation nationally. With its close tie-ins to the music industry in Nashville, Belmont could provide a lot of opportunities for internships and networking.

Lipscomb University also has a highly rated program in music, providing a range of majors from worship ministry to commercial music.

Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) is based in nearby Murfreesboro, but it's worth mentioning due to its Department of Recording Industry, which is regarded as one of the best in the country. Here, students can focus on music business, commercial songwriting, or audio production.

Each school offers a unique combination of coursework, performance opportunities, and connections with the music industry, so I'd recommend looking into the specifics of each program to see which aligns best with your career goals and musical interests.

3 months ago

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