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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Keystone State Schools

I've been looking into colleges and universities in Pennsylvania recently. Anybody have any gems they could recommend or experiences they could share?

3 months ago

Pennsylvania is indeed an excellent place to pursue higher education, with a diverse range of schools from small liberal arts colleges to large research institutions.

Starting with top-tier universities, the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) is part of the Ivy League and offers a variety of programs, with particularly strong business, engineering, and medical schools. Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh is renowned for its STEM programs, especially its Computer Science and Engineering programs.

Penn State University is a large public university with an array of majors and a robust community. Despite it being a large institution, many students report that the school fosters a close-knit community, thanks to the fact the main campus is located in a college town.

If liberal arts is more your style, Swarthmore College, Haverford College, and Bryn Mawr College are part of the Tri-College Consortium, offering students the resources and classes of all three schools within a tight-knit, personalized academic environment. Swarthmore, in particular, is known for its rigorous academics and commitment to social activism.

Lehigh University in Bethlehem is known for its strong engineering and business programs and offers a campus with a good balance of the arts and sciences.

I suggest you first identify what is important to you in a college experience - size, academic rigor, availability of specific majors, city vs. suburban setting, etc, then match those preferences to the school. Always make sure to check for financial aid opportunities and pay a visit, virtual or physical, if possible. Every student's match is unique, so take the time to visit, research, and ask questions to find the best fit for you.

3 months ago

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