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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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College Bound to Virginia Beach?

Hello everyone! Considering the colleges in Virginia Beach and I could use some advice. How is it to study there? Do the colleges have solid programs? Any input would be appreciated!

3 months ago

Hello! Sounds like you're interested in pursuing your education in Virginia Beach. Virginia Beach is a city full of beauty, with a vibrant beachfront and a range of outdoor activity options. For students who are nature lovers and beachgoers, it definitely can be a great place to study.

As for the colleges in Virginia Beach, there are a few you might want to keep in mind. Regent University and Virginia Wesleyan University are two of the notable institutions in the area.

Regent University is a private Christian university that emphasizes religious studies but it also offers programs in Business, Communication, Criminal Justice, and more. Students often appreciate the smaller class sizes and the one-on-one attention they receive from their professors.

Virginia Wesleyan University is a small liberal arts college that offers a wide array of majors and minors. It's well-regarded for its Biology, Marine Science, and Business programs. The smaller class sizes foster an intimate learning environment.

Keep in mind that each college has its own strength and specializes in different programs. Research thoroughly on the programs you are interested in to understand if the colleges meet your academic needs. Remember to also consider the social and extracurricular aspects that would enrich your college life.

Lastly, don't forget to visit the campuses (if possible) to get a personal feel of what it would be like to study and live there. That can definitely help in making your college decision. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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