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Exploring colleges around DC - need advice

I'm currently a junior in high school and I'm exploring colleges around the DC area, mainly because of the internship and job opportunities. I'm leaning towards a Political Science major. Does anyone have experiences or knowledge about universities around DC? What are the best options?

3 months ago

When considering colleges in the DC area for studying Political Science, a few immediately come to mind due to their strong programs and unique opportunities for internships and research.

Firstly, Georgetown University is renowned for its political science program and has a strong emphasis on public and international affairs. Many professors have connections within the political sector, and there's the advantage of being in close proximity to political think tanks and organizations.

George Washington University, often referred to as GW, is situated very close to many government institutions. This university is well-known for its political science and international affairs programs. The school's location in DC and its connections offer students a variety of internship opportunities, ranging from NGOs to policy think tanks to government establishments.

American University is another noteworthy institution that offers a strong political science program. Its School of Public Affairs is highly reputed. Also, like the other two universities mentioned here, it provides access to various internship opportunities within the national capital.

Finally, for public institutions, the University of Maryland, College Park can be a great choice. It is located just outside of DC and its Government and Politics major is structured to give a broad understanding of political science. It also provides easy access to the capital for internships and job hunting.

Remember to not only consider academic quality and job prospects but also other factors such as campus culture, cost, financial aid options, and the overall student life experience. Visiting campuses, if possible, can give you a good sense of what feels right for you.

3 months ago

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