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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Average class size at Georgetown University?

I'm thinking about applying to Georgetown University! One of the things I'm considering is class sizes. Does anyone know how big class sizes typically are at Georgetown? I tend to do better in smaller classes where there's more engagement.

5 months ago

The class sizes at Georgetown University are generally smaller compared to many other universities. According to the data made available by the university, classes with fewer than 20 students constitute approximately 60% of all the classes. Around 29% of classes have between 20 to 49 students. The remaining proportion, a small 11%, consists of larger classes with 50 or more students.

Though the averages might vary slightly based on the specific program or year of study, these numbers indicate a robust emphasis on maintaining smaller classes. That not only enables greater engagement but also allows for individual attention and constructive interaction between students and professors, which seems to align well with your preference.

5 months ago

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