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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Anyone here from Geneva University PA?

Hey, guys! I'm considering applying to Geneva University, Pennsylvania and I'd love to hear from any current students or alumni about their experiences. What's the academic culture and campus life like?

5 months ago

Hey there! I can share some general insights on the university that might help out. So, on the academic front, Geneva College is known for its strong Christian foundation and the integration of faith and learning. Most students find the academic environment challenging yet rewarding, with small classes which allow individual attention from professors.

As for campus life, there's a close-knit, community feel given the small size. There are variety of student clubs, athletics, and intramural sports for students to get involved in, allowing for a rather vibrant social life. The school also has a strong commitment to service, with many opportunities for students to get engaged in serving the local community.

That being said, I recommend that you reach out to current students or alumni. They might be able to provide more detailed insights and share personal experiences. But I hope this general outlook helps as you contemplate your college decision!

5 months ago

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