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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Gathering info on Georgia Highlands College

I'm starting to gather information on Georgia Highlands College, both positive and negative. Has anyone here attended or is currently attending? I'm especially curious about the acceptance rate - is it competitive?

5 months ago

Georgia Highlands College is an open-admission institution, meaning that they accept all applicants who have a high school diploma or equivalent. This would essentially put their acceptance rate at around 100%, making them non-competitive in terms of admissions. The institution's primary goal is to provide accessible and affordable education to a broad range of students.

While the acceptance itself might not be competitive, the comprehensive range of associate and bachelor's programs offered by the college still maintain certain academic standards. As a student, you'd be expected to meet these academic standards to succeed in your chosen program.

Of course, as with any college, individual experiences may vary. This is a community college, so the campus life experience might be different from what you would find at larger or more traditional four-year universities. For example, many students are commuters, which can shape the social atmosphere differently than a school with many residential students.

In terms of drawbacks, like many community colleges, Georgia Highlands does not offer as wide a scope of majors as a four-year institution might. If you have a very specific study area in mind, it's worth checking whether they offer a program that suits your needs.

Ultimately, the best way to understand if Georgia Highlands is the right college for you is to visit the campus if possible, reach out to current students or alumni for their experiences, and compare the offered courses and programs to your own interests and educational goals. You may also want to consider factors like location, availability of financial aid, and potential transfer options when making your decision.

5 months ago

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