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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does a 3.60 GPA make me a good candidate for college admissions?

I'm a junior averaging a 3.60 GPA at the moment. I'm kind of stressed about whether this might be enough to get into good colleges. Does this seem competitive? Or should I be looking at ways to puff up other areas of my application?

3 months ago

When considering college admissions, it's important to understand that each university has its own standards when it comes to GPA. A 3.60 GPA can be seen as competitive for many colleges, but for others, especially top-tier and highly selective schools, the average accepted student GPA may be higher.

That said, colleges look for more than just your GPA; your course rigor and academic progress throughout high school also matter. Are you challenging yourself with AP or IB courses? Showing academic growth and willingness to take on challenging coursework can demonstrate your potential to succeed in college.

Your extracurriculars are also significant. Colleges appreciate students who show a commitment to a few activities in which they've achieved a substantial level of expertise or accomplishment (the so-called 'spike' approach) than those who participate in a wide range of activities but only on a superficial level. Basically, they value depth over breadth.

So, while your GPA is significant, remember that colleges take a holistic approach during admission. The best way to strengthen your application would be to excel in areas like extracurriculars, recommendation letters, and personal essays, which can demonstrate aspects of your character that grades alone may not.

Hopefully, that eases some of your stress! Remember, there is a college out there for everyone!

3 months ago

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