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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are my chances with a 2.82 GPA?

Looks like I'm going to end junior year with a 2.82 GPA. I'm worried about how this will impact my college applications. I know it's below average, but how bad is it really? Should I be considering community college? If anyone could help me understand my situation a little better, I'd really appreciate it.

3 months ago

While it's true that a 2.82 GPA is not as competitive as higher numbers for many colleges, it's essential to remember that GPAs are just one part of the picture, and there are still many colleges that could be a good fit for you!

Community college is indeed an option, and it can be a great one. It allows you to work on improving your GPA, and explore different subjects before transferring to a four-year institution. Many students even find they save a lot of money by going this route!

But if you're set on attending a four-year university right away, it's not impossible with a 2.82 GPA. There are a number of colleges (even some four-year universities) that accept students with GPAs in the 2.5 - 3.0 range. As you do your research, focus on schools where your GPA falls within their range.

Also, remember to highlight other parts of your application that can make up for a lower GPA. If you have strong test scores, solid extracurricular activities or special talents, make sure these shine in your applications.

And if there are specific reasons why your GPA isn't higher (for example, personal or family issues, working part-time, etc.), you can also explain this in the additional information section of your application.

So while a 2.82 GPA might limit some options, it doesn't bar you from all four-year institutions. Conducting diligent research on universities known for being more holistic in their admissions evaluations will go a long way. And remember, it's more about finding a college that's a good fit for you rather than trying to fit into a college.

3 months ago

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