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What majors does Minnesota State University Moorhead offer?

Hello all. I'm a junior high school student considering Minnesota State University Moorhead for further studies. They seem to have a pretty decent range of majors, but I'm not entirely sure about them all. Can anyone fill me in on what majors they offer, especially in the field of sciences? Thanks!

3 months ago

Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) offers a variety of majors, and their science-related programs are pretty robust. Here's an overview:

1. Biology: This includes concentrations like Biology Education, Health and Medical Sciences, Environmental and Conservation Sciences, and more.

2. Biochemistry and Biotechnology: It's an interdisciplinary major that bridges biology and chemistry.

3. Chemistry: Besides the general Chemistry major, you can opt for an American Chemical Society-approved Chemistry major, Chemistry Education, or a Biochemistry concentration.

4. Computer Science: They offer a BA and a BS program in Comp Sci. The BS includes an option to specialize in Bioinformatics.

5. Earth Science: This has options for Earth Science Education and Geoarchaeology.

6. Environmental Science: They offer a BA and a BS track with concentrations available in Field and Laboratory Methodology.

7. Physics: This includes Physics Education and Computational Physics.

8. Mathematics: You can opt for the stand-alone major or a Mathematics Education track.

To get a thorough view of all the programs they offer, I recommend visiting the MSUM official website's Academics section. It provides a detailed description of all their academic programs.

Also, for a more detailed understanding of each major's requirements, potential career paths, or research opportunities, it may be helpful to connect with an admissions officer or the relevant academic department directly at MSUM. They can provide in-depth information and clarify any questions you may have. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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