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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Curious about Mass Art Boston

Hey all, I'm very much into arts and considering applying to Mass Art Boston. Any past or current students who can tell me about the quality of the art programs there? What's the culture like and how are the facilities?

3 months ago

The Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt) is known for its strong academics and variety of programs in the field of art. While it offers a wide range of majors, some of the most popular ones are Illustration, Graphic Design, and Industrial Design. Having a specific focus in your studies could be advantageous, yet the flexibility of the curriculum also allows you to explore various areas in the art field.

As for culture, wear your creativity on your sleeve at MassArt. You will be surrounded by a creative, passionate, and supportive community. There’s an energy of innovation and creativity that seems to infuse the campus culture, and it can be a great environment to stretch your creative muscles. The student body is known for being diverse in terms of ethnic, socioeconomic, and educational backgrounds, which contributes to a dynamic and rich learning environment.

The facilities at MassArt are also a major draw for many students. They have well-equipped studios tailored to specific art mediums, allowing students access to top-tier resources for their creative work. If you’re interested in a particular medium—photography, for instance—you might appreciate the comprehensive darkroom facilities available on campus.

Of course, it's important to take a virtual or in-person tour if you can, to see if the environment feels right for you. It's always beneficial to hear from current students or alumni about their experience, and admission officers should be able to put you in touch if you reach out.

Finally, the college's location in Boston is another beneficial aspect, providing countless opportunities for internships, job placements, and networking in the robust local arts scene, expanding the scope of your learning beyond the classroom and into real-world experiences. Plus, as a MassArt student, you'll have access to the museums in the Boston area, some of which have partnerships with the school.

In sum, MassArt offers an impressive mix of academics, culture, and resources. It's an enticing option for students intending to pursue careers in the arts. Yet remember, the ultimate measure of a college's fit is whether it aligns with your individual needs, goals, and preferences.

3 months ago

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