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GED holder trying to enlist in U.S. military

Hi there, I'm currently working towards getting my GED and I've been thinking about the military as a possible option afterwards. I'm just curious if there's a specific branch that might be more accommodating or supportive for someone in my situation. Seeking insight and advice.

3 months ago

All branches of the U.S. military accept applicants who hold a GED, but each branch has its own policies and may limit the number of GED-holders they accept each year. It's important to demonstrate other strengths and qualifications you possess, as holders of high school diplomas are typically preferred.

You could consider the Army, as they have been known to be more accepting of GED holders compared to other branches. However, you may still need to score higher on the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test compared to diploma holders.

The Air Force and the Coast Guard are typically more selective, and less likely to accept GED holders, but exceptions can be made - especially if you have other qualifications, like college credits or vocational qualifications.

The Navy and Marines also accept GED holders, but again, you'll need to have strong ASVAB scores. Moreover, the Marines limits GED enlistment to no more than 5% of their yearly recruits.

Additionally, some enlistment programs such as the Army's Army PaYS, might help you with future job prospects after the military, which could be particularly beneficial in your case.

Remember, the best path varies greatly depending on individual circumstances, so I recommend connecting with recruiters from different branches to discuss your situation and explore the possibilities. They'll be able to give you the most accurate and up-to-date information.

3 months ago

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