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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Ursuline University Ohio: How is It?

Hello! I recently learned about Ursuline University in Ohio, but struggling to find much info on student life and academics. Anyone here who goes there or knows about it?

3 months ago

Absolutely, happy to share some insights! Ursuline College, located in Pepper Pike, Ohio, is known for its commitment to a values-based liberal arts education particularly geared towards women (though it is co-ed for graduate programs). They offer over 30 undergraduate, 20 master’s, and 3 doctoral degree programs, along with several certificate and professional development programs. Ursuline is highly regarded for its nursing and art therapy programs.

On the academic side, the class sizes are small with a student to faculty ratio of about 10:1, which fosters an enriching learning environment where faculties are able to give personalized attention to each student. So, if you enjoy a close-knit, interactive academic setting, you might appreciate Ursuline.

As far as campus life goes, Ursuline has a pretty active and inclusive campus environment. There are several student-led clubs and organizations that cater to a broad range of interests. While it does not have its own Greek system, there are plenty of opportunities to engage with the community and take on leadership roles.

Athletically, Ursuline is an NCAA Division II school, and students actively participate in several sports, like basketball, soccer, softball, and volleyball. Ursuline’s approach to athletics focus on fostering leadership, and teamwork skills among student-athletes.

Keep in mind though, that Ursuline is a primarily residential campus located in suburban Pepper Pike, so if you're looking for an urban college experience, this might not be the best fit.

Remember, it’s important to visit the campus or at least take a virtual tour (due to the current situation) before you make a decision. This can give you a much clearer idea about whether you see yourself fitting in there. It can also be helpful to connect with current students or alumni to get their perspective. The "fit" of a college is a very personalized aspect, so it helps to collect as much information as you can before making a decision.

3 months ago

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