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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the deal with Northern Arizona College?

Hey everyone, I've been doing some preliminary college research and Northern Arizona College came up on my radar. Anybody here have any experiences or facts they can share about this school? I'm particularly interested in the quality of their academics and their student culture. Thanks heaps!

3 months ago

Northern Arizona University (NAU) can offer an excellent academic environment, particularly for students interested in fields like forestry, hotel and restaurant management, and nursing, where their programs are consistently ranked as among the best in the nation. They have a Student-Faculty ratio of 19:1, which can result in a more personal and interactive classroom experience.

Academics aside, NAU's location in Flagstaff, Arizona is a highlight. Flagstaff is a vibrant city offering a lively arts scene and plenty of outdoor recreational opportunities, with several national parks and ski resorts nearby. Students who enjoy an active, outdoor lifestyle might find NAU particularly appealing.

In terms of campus culture, NAU has a vast array of clubs and organizations, so there are many opportunities to become involved and find your community on campus. This can help strike a balance between academics and a fulfilling social life.

The university does put particular emphasis on sustainability and is known for its commitment to green initiatives. This ethos can be seen in their academics, campus operations, and student-led initiatives. It's worth considering if this aligns with your personal values and interests.

Overall, each student's experience can vary, and it might be advantageous to visit the campus (if possible) or virtually connect with current students or alumni to get a firsthand perspective. That way, you can gather insights that will help in deciding if NAU is a fit for you.

3 months ago

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