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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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AMDAs Performing Arts program in LA

Hello everyone, performing arts have always been my passion. I came across AMDA College of Performing Arts in Los Angeles. Does anyone have any firsthand experience or insights about this program?

3 months ago

Hey there! I don't have firsthand experience myself but I do have some information that could be helpful. AMDA is known for its strong focus and intensive training in the performing arts. It offers Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in Acting, Music Theatre, Dance Theatre, and Performing Arts.

One of the unique aspects of AMDA is that it has campuses in both Los Angeles and New York; students even have the option to complete their studies by living and learning in these two cities which are the unarguable epicenters of live entertainment. AMDA's LA campus is notably located in Hollywood, which creates a plethora of opportunities from internships to employment after graduation.

The curriculum is often described as rigorous and performance-driven. Students at AMDA find themselves very busy with their coursework, productions, performances, and auditions. The faculty often consist of industry professionals, which may provide students with a real-world perspective of the industry.

Additionally, AMDA boasts of a solid network of alumni active in the industry, from Broadway plays to TV and film. This could be beneficial in finding opportunities post-grad.

The flip side to consider, however, is that the workload and the industry-focused nature of the program may not leave a lot of room for exploring outside of your major or for other sorts of traditional college activities. The intensity may not be everyone's cup of tea.

My recommendation would be for you to reach out to current students or alumni, attend any available open houses/audition days, and see if the personal experience aligns with your expectations and goals. Make sure you also consider financial factors, as the cost of attendance is something to think about.

Good luck!

3 months ago

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