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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the hardest class you've ever taken in college?

No matter your major or the year you took it, I'm curious to know the single hardest class you've ever encountered in your college career. Why was it so hard? Would you recommend it?

3 months ago

Ah, a good question! I would have to go with the infamous "Organic Chemistry" class, commonly known as "Orgo". It's been universally recognized as one of the toughest courses amongst science majors, but especially pre-med students. Dealing with molecular structures, reactions, and complex mechanisms, it demands both hard work and strategic studying to succeed.

The difficulty of Organic Chemistry mainly lies in its core nature. While our brains are trained for linear learning, Orgo demands the ability to think in three dimensions. It's not about memorization, but understanding how and why reactions occur. It challenges you to not only learn the material but to apply it creatively and logically.

That said, I do recommend taking it. Despite its reputation, Organic Chemistry can be a transformative experience. It teaches the application of logic and critical thinking, skills useful in any area of study or life, for that matter. Also, some find that they genuinely enjoy the material once they've mastered the thought process. Just be prepared to put in the work and seek help when needed.

3 months ago

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