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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Salve Regina University: Where is it?

Hey all, I came across Salve Regina University in my search but I'm not sure where it's located. Could someone give me a rundown of its location and perhaps share some insights about the school?

3 months ago

Sure, Salve Regina University is located in Newport, Rhode Island, a small coastal city that is known for its picturesque views and historic landmarks. The area is a popular tourist destination, especially in the summer, due to its numerous beaches, yacht-filled harbor, and an array of impressive mansions that reflect the opulence of the late 19th century Gilded Age.

The university itself was founded in 1934 and lends much of its unique charm to its historic surroundings. Besides its beautiful campus, the university offers a wide range of undergraduate courses, and it's particularly known for its strong programs in nursing and criminal justice. However, they offer many other programs as well. Salve Regina's mission, rooted in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy, emphasizes mercy, justice and holistic education.

One interesting aspect about attending Salve Regina is the opportunity to live and study in a vibrant and historic city like Newport. It provides not only a beautiful backdrop for your education, but also a wealth of cultural activities, history, and outdoor enjoyment. It's definitely a unique place!

3 months ago

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