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Understanding ACT for colleges

Hey everyone, I'm confused about something. How exactly do colleges use ACT scores in their admissions process? Do they look only at the composite or do they consider each section individually? Any insights would be appreciated.

3 months ago

Hello there! Great question. While admissions criteria will depend on each school, I can give you a general idea of how ACT scores are used. When colleges review your ACT score, they typically look at both your composite and section scores.

The composite score, which is the average of all four subject scores (English, Math, Reading, Science), provides colleges with a broad understanding of your overall performance on the exam. It's an easy way for them to compare you with other applicants, so it does carry significant weight in admissions decisions.

At the same time, colleges also consider individual section scores, especially when they're trying to assess your strengths in relation to your intended major. For instance, if you're applying to an engineering program, your Math and Science scores might be scrutinized more closely. For a humanities program, your English and Reading scores could be given more consideration.

A higher composite score certainly helps with admission, but each section score is still important. One or two weak area should not overpower a stronger composite, but maintain a balanced profile wherever possible. Always remember, while a high ACT score can boost your application, it's one piece of the puzzle; your GPA, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendation letters matter as well. Hope this helps!

3 months ago

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