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Full List of Colleges in Louisiana

Hello, I could use some help. I'm starting to narrow down my college choices and one of the states I'm considering is Louisiana. Does anyone know where I could find a full list of colleges in Louisiana?

3 months ago

Sure, there's a pretty good range of choices in Louisiana. Here's a list of colleges and universities:

1. Centenary College of Louisiana (Private liberal arts college in Shreveport)

2. Dillard University (Private, historically black liberal arts university in New Orleans)

3. Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University (Private Catholic University in Baton Rouge)

4. Grambling State University (Public historically black university in Grambling)

5. Louisiana College (Private Baptist college in Pineville)

6. Louisiana State University (Public research university in Baton Rouge)

7. Louisiana State University Shreveport (Public university in Shreveport)

8. Louisiana Tech University (Public research university in Ruston)

9. Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans (Public medical school in New Orleans)

10. Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Shreveport (Public medical school in Shreveport)

11. Loyola University New Orleans (Private Jesuit university in New Orleans)

12. Mcneese State University (Public university in Lake Charles)

13. Nicholls State University (Public university in Thibodaux)

14. Northwestern State University (Public university in Natchitoches)

15. Southern University (Public historically black university in Baton Rouge)

16. Southern University at New Orleans (Public historically black university in New Orleans)

17. Tulane University (Private research university in New Orleans)

18. University of Louisiana at Lafayette (Public research university in Lafayette)

19. University of Louisiana at Monroe (Public university in Monroe)

20. University of New Orleans (Public research university in New Orleans)

21. Xavier University of Louisiana (Private historically black Roman Catholic university in New Orleans)

These institutions represent a variety of academic environments, sizes, affiliations, and amenities. Make sure to research each one thoroughly to gauge which might be the best fit for you. Find what aspects of a college are most important to you (e.g., size, location, majors offered, campus culture) and use these criteria to narrow down your choices. Best of luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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