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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Need information about colleges in Cedar City, Utah

Hello everyone! So, my family might be relocating to Cedar City, Utah, and I want to continue my education there. Can anyone provide some insight about what colleges are available in that area?

3 months ago

Absolutely! Cedar City, Utah, hosts two notable schools: Southern Utah University (a public institution) and Southwest Technical College (a public technical college).

1. Southern Utah University (SUU)

SUU offers more than 140 undergraduate programs and 19 graduate programs. Some of its renowned programs include Management and Marketing, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences. SUU is recognized for its strong outdoor and recreational programs, thanks to its proximity to several natural parks and outdoor recreation spots.

2. Southwest Technical College (Southwest Tech)

Southwest Tech is a technical training institution that specializes in providing hands-on, competency-based education. It offers programs across a wide range of fields such as health sciences, business and information technology, transport technologies, and professional services.

Remember to check the admission requirements, deadlines, and offerings of the programs that interest you. It might also be useful to reach out to current students or faculty at these institutions to get a more detailed insight. Good luck with your education journey and potential move to Cedar City!

3 months ago

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