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Interested in colleges in Kansas City

I have some family in Kansas City, so I'm considering colleges there. Could anyone give me an overview of the higher ed landscape in the area? What are some things to keep in mind if you're a student in KC?

3 months ago

Sure! There are several well-regarded institutions in Kansas City, so you're in luck!

First up, we have the University of Missouri–Kansas City (UMKC), which is part of the larger University of Missouri system. UMKC has great programs in an array of disciplines from health sciences to arts, but it's particularly known for its Conservatory of Music and Dance and its School of Pharmacy.

Next, Kansas City Art Institute (KCAI) might be worth looking into if you have an interest in fine arts or design. It has an excellent reputation for visual arts and offers a BFA degree in several areas including animation, graphic design, illustration, and more.

Rockhurst University, a private Jesuit university, also calls Kansas City home. It offers a variety of programs and has a strong focus on community service which is reflected in its core curriculum. If your career objectives align with business, health sciences, or education, Rockhurst provides strong programs in these areas.

Avila University, a private, Catholic university, is known for its nursing and theatre programs, amongst many others. With a student to faculty ratio of 10:1, this institution places a high value on personalized education.

There's also Kansas City Kansas Community College (KCKCC) if you are considering a two-year college before transferring to a four-year institution.

Now, if you are interested in living in Kansas City, it's quite diverse with a rich culture, great food (especially BBQ), and attractive neighborhoods like the Plaza, Westport, and Crossroads Art District. It's also known for its jazz music and numerous cultural and arts festivals. You'll also find several professional sports teams to cheer for, like the Chiefs (NFL) and the Royals (MLB).

One last piece to note is that "Kansas City" actually encompasses two cities: Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri. They're both part of the larger KC metro area, but they are distinct in their offerings. So, as you're researching schools, remember to take note of which side of state line they're on, as that could affect not only your college experience but also your residency status. Overall, it's a dynamic and exciting city to study and live in!

3 months ago

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