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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is the hardest college to get into in each state?

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know which colleges are the most difficult to get into, on a state-by-state basis? I'm not limiting my options geographically and it would be interesting to see where the toughest competition lies.

3 months ago

Sure, I can provide some examples of colleges that are often considered the most competitive in each state based on average acceptance rates. Keep in mind, however, that acceptance rates vary year-to-year and are influenced by numerous factors. Furthermore, a low acceptance rate doesn't necessarily equate to a better educational experience or a better fit for every individual student.

Here are some examples from a few states:

- Alabama: University of Alabama at Birmingham

- Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks

- Arizona: Arizona State University—Tempe (Honors College)

- Arkansas: Hendrix College

- California: Stanford University

- Colorado: Colorado College

- Connecticut: Yale University

- Delaware: University of Delaware

- Florida: University of Miami

- Georgia: Emory University

- Hawaii: University of Hawaii at Manoa

- Idaho: The College of Idaho

- Illinois: University of Chicago

- Indiana: Notre Dame University

- Iowa: Grinnell College

- Kansas: University of Kansas

The list is very long so I've just included some states here. Note that these schools are not necessarily the best in their respective states or the best fit for all students. Always consider factors such as academic programs, campus culture, cost, and location in addition to selectivity when examining potential schools.

3 months ago

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