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Colleges for ACT score 30

Hey folks, I managed to nab a 30 on my ACT. While I'm happy about it, I'm not sure where to start looking in terms of colleges. Can anyone suggest what kind of colleges might consider a 30 ACT score competitive?

3 months ago

Certainly! An ACT score of 30 is quite competitive and places you in the top 5% of test-takers nationwide. Remember that although test scores play a significant role in college admissions, they are just one of many factors that colleges consider.

Now, when it comes to what schools you have a good chance at, you might look into universities like Boston University, Lehigh University, and University of California, Davis. These are examples of schools where your ACT score is above average for admitted students, increasing your chances of acceptance.

However, there are also a number of more selective schools where your ACT score is within the typical range of admitted students. These include Emory University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC Chapel Hill). For these more selective schools, you'll want to make sure the rest of your application —grades, essays, extracurriculars— is strong to balance out the competition.

Bear in mind too that while these schools are good places to start, you'll really want to factor in non-academic aspects as well. Things like location, size, campus culture, available majors and classes - all these matter tremendously in ensuring you pick a school where you'll not only succeed acadically, but also feel happy and at home.

Good luck with your search! Your 30 ACT score opens up lots of possibilities for you.

3 months ago

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