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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Breakdown of a 2.5 GPA: What Does That Look Like?

Hey, y'all! Just trying to understand the GPA system a bit better. Can someone tell me what kind of grades I would be getting if I have a 2.5 GPA? Thanks!

3 months ago

A 2.5 GPA corresponds to a letter grade of C+, assuming that you're operating on the standard 4.0 scale, where A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, and D = 1.0. A + or - adds or subtracts 0.3 from the base grade value, excluding A+ which stays at a 4.0.

To sustain a 2.5 GPA, your grades must average out to a C+. This means you'd predominantly earn C's and B's, with perhaps a few D's or A's sprinkled in to balance out into that C+ average. Remember, though, the 2.5 GPA could also come from a variety of combinations of grades, so it's not strictly tied to one pattern of grades.

It's key that you continue to strive for improvement in your academic performance. Schools look at your upward trend in addition to the total GPA. In other words, a student whose grades improved over time could be looked upon more favorably than a student who consistently maintained a 2.5 GPA.

Lastly, remember that some schools and programs have minimum GPA requirements. For instance, CSU schools require a minimum GPA of 2.5 for California residents, and 3.0 for out-of-state applicants. Always be sure to check the academic requirements for any institutions or programs you're interested in!

3 months ago

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