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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which colleges have dropped the SAT requirement?

Quick question, I've heard a lot about testing policies changing and I'm not the best at standardized tests. Can someone tell me which colleges have decided not to require the SAT? And should I still take it just in case, or focus on other parts of my application?

a year ago

Hello! Many institutions have moved towards test-optional policies, especially since the pandemic. This includes a variety of schools from large public universities to selective private colleges. However, the policies can vary, and some schools have chosen to become test-blind, which means they won't consider standardized test scores at all. A comprehensive list would be hard to provide as it constantly changes, but a good resource is the National Center for Fair & Open Testing (fairtest.org). There, you can find an updated list of schools with test-optional policies.

As for whether or not you should take the test, consider your strengths. If you believe that your SAT score won't reflect your academic potential, you could focus on strengthening other areas of your application like your essays, extracurriculars, and GPA. However, for some applicants, a strong SAT score can enhance their application, so if you think you have the potential to do well with some preparation, it might be worth taking the test.

a year ago

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