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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Merrimack College worth it?

Aight, I've been looking into colleges and Merrimack College kinda caught my eye. Does anyone here attend? If so, what's your take on the quality of education, opportunities, etc?

3 months ago

Merrimack College, located in North Andover, Massachusetts, is generally known for providing personalized educational experiences, thanks to a fairly low student-to-faculty ratio. This often allows for relatively small classroom settings, encouraging a more intimate learning environment.

Academically, Merrimack has strong programs in a number of areas including Business, Health Sciences, and Education, and they are steadily growing their Engineering and Computer Sciences departments. From what I've heard, professors are usually pretty accessible and supportive, and the curriculum is often lauded for being experiential and skill-based.

Regarding opportunities, Merrimack has a robust cooperative education program that links students with real-world internships and job opportunities while they pursue their degree. This can certainly strengthen your employability post-graduation. In addition, they have an active campus life with a variety of clubs, activities, and sports teams that can provide a rounded student experience.

However, it's important to consider the overall fit as well. This includes the campus culture, size, location, and even financial aid policies. After all, a good college is not only about quality education and opportunities but also about how well the overall environment aligns with your personal preferences and needs. Don't forget to consider the cost and understand your financial aid package as this can play a big role in determining the worth of a particular institution for you.

I hope that helps you a bit! Remember, it's always a good idea to visit the campus if you can, or partake in virtual tours and info sessions. These can provide additional insights into whether Merrimack might be the right fit for you!

3 months ago

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