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Can someone tell me about life on campus at Oral Roberts University?

I've been eyeing Oral Roberts University, but I'm finding it hard to really understand what campus life is like there. Information online is somewhat limited. Can anyone shed some light on this? Specially interested in student culture, campus events, etc.

3 months ago

Oral Roberts University, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is a big on Christian belief alignment and unity amongst their students. Being a Christian university, faith plays a significant role in the overall campus atmosphere. Activities often revolve around religious events including chapel attendance which is mandatory twice a week. During these sessions, students come together for communal worship and to listen to guest speakers.

Beyond religious events, the University also offers a host of clubs and organizations designed to cater to a wide range of interests. There are study groups, service organizations, intramural sports teams, and even some Greek Life in the form of Christian fraternities and sororities. The list is extensive, meaning there's a high possibility for everyone to find a group where they feel they belong.

One unique thing about Oral Roberts University is their "Whole Person Education" philosophy. This means they emphasize not just academics, but also physical and spiritual development. In line with this, the University’s Aerobics Center offers numerous wellness-oriented activities from intramural sports to fitness training sessions.

In terms of campus events, Oral Roberts hosts an annual Christmas lights tour where campus buildings are beautifully decorated, and students and staff come together to celebrate the season. There's also the annual Spring Fling, which is a school-wide party with games, food, and live music.

Finally, keep in mind that Oral Roberts has a code of conduct reflecting its Christian values that all students are expected to adhere to. This includes rules on dress code and behavior, and commitment to personal integrity and community service.

In summary, if you are looking for a university where faith, academics, and active living are interwoven and widely celebrated, Oral Roberts offers a unique campus life experience geared towards nurturing the 'whole' student.

3 months ago

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