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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for WA Colleges and Universities

Hey guys, I'm starting to narrow down my college search and I'm particularly drawn to the Pacific Northwest. Could someone provide a list or some recommendations of good colleges and universities in Washington State? I'm interested in both public and private institutions. Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Sure, Washington State is home to many excellent colleges and universities. Here are some you might want to consider:

- University of Washington (UW): This public research university in Seattle is one of the Pacific Northwest's most prestigious institutions. UW offers a wide array of programs, with particularly renowned offerings in Computer Science, Engineering, Business, and Medicine.

- Washington State University (WSU): WSU is another public university that's especially strong in Agriculture, Engineering, and Business.

- Western Washington University (WWU): An excellent public institution located in Bellingham, known for its programs in Education, Fine & Performing Arts, and Environmental Science.

- Seattle University: A private Jesuit institution located in the heart of Seattle. It's notable for its Business, Nursing, and Criminal Justice programs.

- Gonzaga University: A private Catholic institution in Spokane, recognized for strong programs in Business, Engineering, and Nursing. Gonzaga is also well-known for their men's basketball team.

- Whitman College: A small liberal arts college in Walla Walla that's lauded for its English, History, and Psychology programs.

- Pacific Lutheran University (PLU): A smaller private institution in Tacoma, which offers a range of programs, including strong Nursing, Business, and Music programs.

Remember, the "best" college for you would depend on what you're looking for in a school, such as specific academic programs, campus culture, location, class size, etc. I recommend researching these colleges more in-depth and seeing which ones align with your preferences and goals. You might also want to consider scheduling campus visits, if possible, to get a feel for the campuses and meet potential professors. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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