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Considering college in Granville, Ohio - advice?

Hey everyone! I'm thinking of applying to a college in Granville, Ohio. Can anyone share their experience studying there, or provide some insight into what life is like in Granville?

3 months ago

Granville, Ohio is a charming, small college town with a rich history and a strong sense of community. It's the home of Denison University, a renowned liberal arts college. Denison's campus is beautiful with a mix of traditional and modern architecture. It's a tight-knit campus community, so if you appreciate an intimate college experience and being on a first-name basis with many of your professors, you might find it appealing.

The local population is pretty small - around 5700 residents. There's a close interaction between the college and the town, which you would definitely experience if you attend college there. The community seems to revolve around the university, so the boundaries between 'college' and 'town' aren't as distinct as you'd find in larger cities.

In the town center, there's a beautiful park, several churches, restaurants, a small grocery store, coffee shops, and other amenities, all within walking distance of the campus. The Granville Public Library is also a gem with a large selection of books and a strong commitment to community engagement.

Granville hosts a number of community events throughout the year, such as the Granville Art Walk, the Granville Farmers Market, and the Fourth of July parade, which are fondly cherished by both students and residents.

Granville has the atmosphere of a peaceful, rural community but you're not excessively isolated there. Columbus is around forty minutes away if you're ever craving the draw of a larger city, with its wider array of social, cultural, and recreational opportunities.

However, if you're used to big city life, you may find the pace of life in Granville relatively slow. To some, this atmosphere can feel limiting ¯ it's definitely a matter of personal preference. If you appreciate a slower pace, close community ties, and a picturesque setting, then Granville could be a great fit for you.

As far as climate goes, Granville experiences all four seasons. You will see a perfect display of leaves changing in the fall, crisp and cold winters, a beautiful and welcome spring, and quite warm summers.

Overall, Granville provides a unique college experience that combines academics, community living, and natural beauty. For some, it's the perfect setting to focus on their studies and grow as individuals. If possible, I would recommend visiting the town and campus to see if it feels like a good fit for you.

3 months ago

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