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What sets Muhlenberg's campus apart?

I've been going through college websites and Muhlenberg College somewhat caught my eye. I've read about its academic excellence but I'm curious about life on campus. To anyone who's been there or studied there, what's the campus life like? Are there a lot of student activities and do you feel a tight-knit community vibe? Thanks in advance for sharing.

3 months ago

Muhlenberg College, located in Allentown, Pennsylvania, is known for its close-knit community and vibrant campus life. Its residential campus offers students a variety of options for living, from traditional dorm halls to special interest houses. The layout of the campus encourages interaction among students, fostering a sense of communal living.

Muhlenberg is home to a vibrant arts scene, boasting a top-rated theatre program and hosting regular music, dance, and theatrical performances. This contributes to a lively campus atmosphere and various extracurricular opportunities for students.

With over 100 student-run clubs and organizations, ranging from academic societies to volunteer services and hobby clubs, students have plenty of ways to stay engaged outside the classroom. The college holds an annual activities fair where clubs set up stalls, and students can learn about the various organizations they can join or even create a new club of their own.

Muhlenberg is also an NCAA Division III school with a strong athletics culture. There are various sports clubs and events that students can partake in, further fostering camaraderie and school spirit among students.

Overall, Muhlenberg particularly prides itself on its sense of community or "berg bond." The campus atmosphere often feels more like a family than just a student body, with strong peer support and a collaborative spirit. Its smaller size (with typically around 2200 students) underscores this sense of community and ensures that students aren't just another face in the crowd. Instead, they have the opportunity to contribute significantly to the campus environment.

Please note that personal feelings about campus life can vary significantly from student to student, so I recommend that you try a campus visit, if possible, to get a personal sense of what life might be like at Muhlenberg. You can also reach out to current students or college counselors to get a better picture of the campus culture.

In a nutshell, if you are someone who cherishes a close-knit, supportive community, vibrant arts scene, active campus life, and a multitude of opportunities for engagement outside of academics, Muhlenberg might well be a good fit for you.

3 months ago

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