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Military Sergeants: Which branch?

Hey! I'm trying to understand the military structure better. I was wondering, in which branch of the military will I typically find the rank of 'Sergeant'? A little help to clear up my confusion would be awesome! Thanks for the help!

3 months ago

Hello! The rank of 'Sergeant' is found in various military branches, but primarily in the Army and Marine Corps. Here's how it breaks down:

- In the U.S. Army, the rank of 'Sergeant' is a non-commissioned officer rank, typically attained after the ranks of Private and Corporal, which is above a Specialist but below a Staff Sergeant.

- Over in the Marines, the title 'Sergeant' is above Corporal and below Staff Sergeant. It's also an enlisted rank.

However, it's important to note that within the Air Force, the equivalent of an Army or Marine Corps 'Sergeant' would be called a 'Staff Sergeant.' In the Navy and Coast Guard, the ranking system is quite different and the equivalent would be 'Petty Officer Second Class.'

In the newly formed Space Force, equivalent NCO (non-commissioned officer) rank is also a 'Staff Sergeant.'

So, while 'Sergeant' as a title is found most prominently in the Army and Marine Corps, its equivalent exists across all branches, just under a different name! I hope this helps clear up your confusion.

3 months ago

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