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Looking for Info: Colleges in Southern New Hampshire

Hey everyone, a rising junior here. I've been exploring colleges and universities I might want to apply to and Southern New Hampshire has my interest. By chance, could someone give me a rundown of what colleges are located there and what they're known for? Thanks in advance for your help!

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are several colleges in Southern New Hampshire, each with their unique strengths.

1. Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU): SNHU is acclaimed for its extensive online programs. However, its on-campus offerings are also quite robust, with strong programs in business, creative writing, and game design. Its campus in Hooksett offers wonderful opportunities for outdoor recreation, given its proximity to the White Mountains, beaches, and several lakes.

2. Saint Anselm College: This is a liberal arts college in Manchester known for its strong programs across the humanities, particularly its Philosophy and English programs. Saint Anselm also hosts the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, which frequently organizes political debates and speeches, making it a great choice if you're interested in politics.

3. University of New Hampshire at Manchester (UNH Manchester): Part of the larger University of New Hampshire system, UNH Manchester stands out for its strong programs in Biotechnology and STEM fields. The university also offers cutting-edge capabilities given its location in New Hampshire's tech hub, along with excellent internship and job opportunities thanks to partnerships with local industries.

4. Rivier University: Located in Nashua, Rivier University is a small, private Catholic university known for its nursing and education programs.

Remember that it's important you visit these colleges (if possible) or at least check out their virtual tours and info sessions to get a feel for the environment and see if it fits what you're looking for. Lastly, make sure to look out for application deadlines and requirements when the time comes for applying!

3 months ago

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