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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Military and Law Enforcement

Hey everyone! I'm quite keen on a career in law enforcement and I've heard the military provides lots of great training for that. Could anyone tell me what might be the best branch to join for that purpose?

3 months ago

While all branches of the military can provide great training and experience that's valuable for a law enforcement career, the two branches noted most often for this are the Army and the Air Force.

In the Army, you can work in the Military Police (MP). As an MP, you'd get experience with law enforcement duties similar to a civilian police officer's, such as patrolling bases, investigating crimes, and even directing traffic. The MPs also engage in combat operations, so you'd receive both law enforcement and military combat training.

On the other hand, the Air Force has the Security Forces, who are responsible for missile security, defending airbases around the globe, law enforcement on those bases, combat arms and handling military working dogs.

Both Military Police and Security Forces would provide a strong foundation for a law enforcement career after leaving the military. Ultimately, it's important to assess your personal interests and career goals before deciding. You could consider talking with recruiters from each branch or reaching out to individuals who have transitioned from these military roles into law enforcement for their insights.

3 months ago

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