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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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St. Thomas University - Miami Branch

Just got interested in St. Thomas University's branch in Miami. What's the overall atmosphere and student life there, and how is it different from other schools in the area? Are their academic programs particularly competitive or unique? Would love to hear any insights from students or alumni!

3 months ago

St. Thomas University in Miami has a distinct character stemming from its unique blend of diversity, community engagement, and commitment to social justice. The student body is quite diverse, with a large number of international students, which definitely brings a global perspective to classroom discussions and campus activities.

A unique feature about this university is its relatively smaller size which fosters a more close-knit community compared to larger colleges in the area. You can expect classes to be more personal with lower student-to-faculty ratios. This often translates into more personalized attention and mentoring from professors.

Beyond academics, the campus life is active, offering various clubs, organizations, and events that cater to different interests and cultures. Being located in Miami, the university also benefits from a vibrant city atmosphere, with access to art, entertainment, and outdoor activities.

In terms of academics, St. Thomas University does have some competitive and unique programs. It's especially known for its quality programs in business, education, and law. For instance, its law school has had graduates go on to hold prominent legal positions within the state. Additionally, the School of Business offers programs in Sports Administration, which trains students for management positions in the sports industry, distinguishing itself through real-world learning experiences.

Of course, the best way to decide if the atmosphere and academics are right for you is to visit campus or speak with current students and alumni. This way, you can better visualize yourself in that environment.

3 months ago

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