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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Admissions process at SUNY Morrisville

I've started my research into SUNY Morrisville, but I'm still somewhat unsure about their admissions process. Does anyone have any insights or personal experiences that could shed some light on what I can expect?

3 months ago

SUNY Morrisville, like many other state universities, has a straightforward and transparent admissions process. Priority is given to your academic achievements, particularly your GPA, course rigor, and any college-prep coursework such as AP or dual enrollment courses. They don't require ACT or SAT test scores as part of the application, taking a test-optional approach.

You'll need to fill out the SUNY Application or Common Application, where you can indicate Morrisville as one of your SUNY choices. Along with the application, you'll need to submit your high school transcript. If you've taken any college-level classes, those transcripts should be submitted as well.

A few other elements of your application at SUNY Morrisville will include a personal essay, letters of recommendation, and a detailed account of your extracurricular activities. Remember, quality is more important than quantity when it comes to extracurriculars, so be sure to highlight the activities where you showed significant involvement or leadership.

By mid-March, you should get an admissions decision if you applied by the regular decision deadline. If you applied as a rolling admissions candidate, decisions are typically made within 2-3 weeks of when your application becomes complete.

After you receive your admissions decision, if you're accepted, you’ll have until May 1 to submit your deposit and confirm your enrollment. It's also important to fill out the FAFSA form to determine your financial aid eligibility.

Keep in mind that different programs at SUNY Morrisville may have additional requirements. For instance, the Nursing program requires applicants to complete certain prerequisite coursework and maintain a specific minimum GPA.

Lastly, reach out to the admissions office if you have any specific questions -- they are usually very helpful. They can also arrange a campus tour or connect you with current students or faculty within your field of interest.

3 months ago

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