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Military draft and branches?

Hey there! I was wondering, which military branch is typically the first to be drafted? Is it random, or does it depend on the needs at the time?

3 months ago

It's a common misconception that one branch of military typically gets drafted before the others. In reality, a draft could affect any branch, and it usually depends on the type of conflict and the corresponding need of the military at that time.

The United States operates through a Selective Service System in the event of a draft. When a draft is ordered by Congress, the Selective Service System would conduct a lottery. The lottery is based on dates of birth, with the dates drawn determining the order in which registered men are called up by the Selective Service System.

To be clear, this process just determines who will be conscripted to serve, not in which branch they will serve. Once individuals are drafted, their capabilities, skills, and the needs of the military will determine their assignment. They could be placed in any branch - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard, even the newest branch, the Space Force.

In most cases, people drafted would likely be assigned to the Army, as it's the largest branch and, historically, has taken the bulk of draftees. However, it's not guaranteed, and assignments would really be subject to the needs of the military. Thankfully, the U.S. hasn't had to institute a draft since the Vietnam War due to the all-volunteer force.

Now, note that everyone in their initial years of service, regardless of enlistment or draft, would partake in basic training for the branch they're assigned to, which would equip them with the necessary skills for service in that branch. Assignments after basic training would then align with the military's needs and the individual's skills and aptitudes.

3 months ago

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