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Camp Pendleton: Which military branches are stationed there?

Hey! I've been interested in joining the military and I live close to Camp Pendleton. Does anyone know which branches of the military are stationed there?

3 months ago

Absolutely! Camp Pendleton, located in San Diego County, California, is primarily a base for the United States Marine Corps. It's one of the largest Marine Corps bases in the US, and it's home to various active duty units, including the 1st Marine Division, the 1st Marine Logistics Group, and the Marine Corps Installations West.

Apart from the Marine Corps, Camp Pendleton also hosts some elements of the Navy, particularly those that have close working relationships with Marine units. This includes various Medical and Dental companies, the Assault Craft Unit 5, and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) among others.

It's noteworthy to mention that while the base does host branches of the Navy and Marines, it doesn't mean every job in these branches is available at Camp Pendleton. Depending on your specific role or job in the military, your posting could be elsewhere, even if you are in one of these two branches.

Lastly, remember that the decision to join a specific branch in the military should typically depend more on your personal career goals, interests, and the type of military service and benefits that appeal to you. The base where you might end up stationed is just one of many factors to consider.

3 months ago

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