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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Highly Selective Colleges in America - What's the Hardest?

I imagine it varies year by year, but on average, what is the most selective college in America? Considering factors like acceptance rate and average GPA, I'd like to know what's generally considered the 'hardest' college to get into in the country.

3 months ago

If you're looking purely at acceptance rates and GPAs, the title of the most selective college in America typically rotates between a few of the Ivy Leagues and Stanford University. However, as of recent data, Stanford University ranks as one of the most selective colleges in America, with an acceptance rate frequently dipping below 5%.

Harvard University is also traditionally one of the most selective, along with Columbia University, Princeton University, and Yale University. All of these institutions have extremely low acceptance rates, often falling below 7%.

In terms of GPA, the average unweighted high school GPA of Stanford's incoming freshmen is typically over 3.9. For the Ivy Leagues I mentioned, it's usually not far off from that number.

Please remember that these data points are just part of the admission process for these competitive schools. Other factors such as your standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation all play a crucial role too. So thinking about selectivity solely in terms of acceptance rates and GPA might not provide the full picture.

3 months ago

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