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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Can someone clarify which military branch the Seabees belong to?

Hey everyone, I've always been curious about the different sectors of the military and their respective roles. I've been doing some research and keep hearing about the Seabees but I'm not sure which branch of our military they belong to. Anyone have any insights on this?

3 months ago

Absolutely, I'd be happy to clarify this for you. The U.S. Naval Construction Battalions, better known as the Seabees, are actually part of the United States Navy. They were established back during World War II and their mascot is a bee, hence the name 'Seabees'.

Just to give you some context on what they do, Seabees essentially comprise the Navy's construction force. They're trained to fight, but their primary goal is to carry out building and construction tasks in all sorts of environments, often doing work like building bases, bulldozing and paving roads, and setting up airstrips, often while under enemy fire. So you can see, they are quite a unique group within the military structure.

I hope this gives you some clarity on the Seabees.

3 months ago

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