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SAT: 720 math
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Opinions About North Central College in Minnesota

Does anyone here have any experience or opinions about North Central College in Minnesota? I've heard mixed things and I want to get more insights about it—the good and the bad. Everything is welcome, from academic rigor to campus life experiences!

3 months ago

North Central College has a variety of aspects that may appeal to different students based on their preferences and academic ambitions. While I have observed several positive reviews, some criticisms have also been noted, so keep in mind that everyone's experience will be unique.

Academically speaking, it's a small institution that offers a good student-to-faculty ratio, which really allows for interactive and personalized instruction. With a wide range of majors to choose from, the school also offers opportunities for study across a broad spectrum of fields. Some students have praised the quality of the courses and the opportunities for hands-on learning.

Many students appreciate that North Central College offers a close-knit community where they can easily form strong relationships with both their peers and their professors. The smaller size of the college tends to foster this sense of community, and many students value that aspect of their campus experience.

On the athletics side, North Central College has a robust DIII athletics program, with many values tied to sport and fitness. Additionally, the extracurricular activities and organizations on campus can cater to a wide range of interests, allowing students to engage in various hobbies, activities, and leadership experiences outside of their academic coursework.

However, a few complaints have popped-up as well. The college's location, Naperville, isn't a college town and doesn't have the constant buzz and vibrant nightlife that some students might desire. Some students have also mentioned that diversity can be a challenge at North Central College, and they'd like to see a more culturally varied student body.

In terms of academic rigor, some students believe that a few of the courses could be more challenging. Not all courses are considered equally hard, and the level of difficulty often depends on the department or specific instructor.

Overall, the most significant factor to remember is that everyone's college experience is very personal. A college may be a perfect fit for one student but not for another, depending on their academic, social, and extracurricular interests. Do reach out to current or former North Central students or faculty members, if you can, to get the most authentic information specific to your needs and interests.

3 months ago

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